8 - Underwater Experience

8 - Underwater Experience

Associated contents

  • Underwater (collection of immersive videos)


  1. Choosing a video:
    1. Pick one of the videos based on your interest and play it (Examples: Neptune Deep Cave, Aquarium Tour).
  2. Activity 1 - Recollection:
    1. While the video plays for the first time, the participants are asked to spot and remember as many visual details as they can from the video.
    2. Once the video ends, the participants are asked to share the details they remember.
    3. While the video plays a second time, the remembered details are verified as a group.
  3. Activity 2 - Visual Tracking:
    1. The therapist assigns a visual element to each participant.
    2. The participants are asked to keep track visually of their assigned element while the video runs.
    3. The therapist uses the touchpad to rotate the 360° image during playback.


  1. Sustained attention
  2. Hemianopsia treatment
  3. Visual tracking
  4. Verbalizing and socializing