Cognitive stimulation aims to maintain and improve cognitive functions as well as improve autonomy in elderly populations or patients suffering from deteriorating mental functions. It consists of a program structured around a set of exercises related to memory, perception, attention, concentration, speech and language, spatial and executive functions.
Neurorehabilitation designates the care processes aimed to restore or compensate for possible functional deficits in persons affected by a serious disability as a consequence of a lesion in the central nervous system. Its main objectives are to identify and guide phenomena of intrinsic plasticity of the nervous system, to minimise its impact and maximise recuperation. It also serves generally to improve physical, cognitive and behavioural autonomy; to restore self-esteem; to achieve better social reinsertion as well as to accompany the patients’ relatives in understanding and managing the new situation.
Emotional wellbeing and relaxation are key aspects to improve the quality of life for everyone. It can be the central focus of a therapy or come as a complement to a specific medical treatment to reduce stress, relieve pain and boost motivation.
- Hospital d'Olot: immersive therapy for reducing anxiety in health professionals of a regional hospital during the Covid-19 pandemic.
- Vall d’Hebron: stress reduction of healthcare professionals during the Covid-19 pandemic through immersive relaxation and mindfulness sessions.
- Instituto de Investigación Sanitario de Aragón: immersive mindfulness for the general public designed by Dr. Garcia-Campayo.
- Hospital Clinic Barcelona: mindfulness sessions for pain relief of patients during hemodialisis treatment.
Physical exercise is a key factor in improving general health transversely across age groups and conditions. The use of immersive projections promotes active mobility in all parts of the body schema as well as oculo-motor coordination. It proves particularly effective in delaying osteomuscular rigidity in elderly patients. Active, physical participation in exercises also augments the realism of the immersive experience thus reducing the feeling of isolation, and promotes group coordination and socialisation.
- Grup Arrels: improve mobility and motricity in elderly patients, reduce the use of pharmacological treatments and the feeling of isolation.
- Sant Joan de Deu Serveis Sociosanitaris: physical rehabilitation and anxiety reduction in elderly patients with loss of autonomy.
- Sanitas: physical exercise for elderly persons living in a geriatric residence.