4 - Formula 1 Race

4 - Formula 1 Race

Associated contents

  1. Techno Trip -> Sprint City (immersive video)

Required Equipment

  1. Hoops to simulate driving wheels


  1. Warm-up: 
    1. Begin the exercise with a warm-up routine.
  2. Safety Measures:
    1. Emphasize the importance of safety during the activity. Ensure participants are using the hoops correctly. Consider using lightweight, padded, or foam hoops to reduce the risk of injury.
  3. Progressive Intensity:
    1. Design the exercise in a way that allows for progressive intensity levels. Start with slower, easier movements to get participants accustomed to the motions and gradually increase the speed and complexity as they become more comfortable.
  4. Inclusion of Lower Body:
    1. While the exercise currently focuses on upper body mobility, consider incorporating movements that involve the lower body as well. 
  5. Time-Based Challenges:
    1. Introduce time-based challenges during the exercise to encourage motivation and a sense of competition among participants. For example, set targets for completing laps or sections of the racecourse within a certain time frame.
  6. Group Activities:
    1. Encourage socializing and motivation by organizing the activity in a group setting. Participants can work together, share their experiences, and cheer each other on during the simulated race.
  7. Instructor-led Sessions:
    1. The therapist will guide the participants through the exercise. The instructor can provide feedback, correct postures, and motivate participants to ensure they get the most out of the activity.
  8. Feedback and Progress Tracking:
    1. The therapist will provide participants with feedback on their performance and progress over time.


  1. Promote mobility of both upper and lower body
  2. Improve ocular coordination and spatial awareness
  3. Improve motivation and promote social interaction